5 recruiting sourcing strategies that deliver in 2023

Learn how sourcing can help you find the best talent.

Angela Lin
Angela is a Data Science and English major at UC Berkeley who juggles interests in machine learning with short fiction. Outside of writing blog posts, she can be found painting Bay Area views or trying new recipes.

What is talent sourcing?

Sourcing is the process of searching for and networking with passive and active candidates to build talent pools for current and future roles. As the first step in the recruitment process, talent sourcing lays the foundation for the rest of the hiring pipeline. Research from Lever found that sourced candidates are two times more efficient than candidates who apply. 

A strong recruiting sourcing strategy is key to making the quickest and best hires possible. Talent sourcing can take many forms – here are five proven strategies:

Sourcing strategy #1: Employee referrals

Candidates referred by employees will know more about the inside of the company and are more likely to fit the culture, values, and mission. Plus, there’s an added level of trust since the referrer can vouch for the candidate’s skills and experience. If you’re not convinced yet, let’s look at some research stats:

So how can you get referrals? The most important thing is to make the process easy and available. Keep referrals forms short and to the point, since no one wants to be doing extra paperwork. Another way to boost referrals is by offering incentives such as cash bonuses or paid vacations. Be sure to recognize people who take the time to do referrals and make them a regular part of company culture.

Sourcing strategy #2: Create a candidate persona

To make sourcing effective, you have to know who you’re looking for. More than just a list of skills or past job titles, a candidate persona should also include the stuff that can’t be expressed on a sheet of paper. Think personality, work ethic, and personal values.

What makes someone a good collaborator on your team? What motivates people day to day? And coming up with this isn’t just a one-person job. Chat with your hiring manager and relevant people on the team to make sure your persona is aligned. After all, the person that gets hired is going to be working with them everyday. 

For example, if you’re looking for a product manager for your start-up, write down your team’s vision of a strong candidate. Maybe you’re looking for someone who has a passion for entrepreneurialism. Or if you’re in a niche space, think about how important domain knowledge is. Planning out your persona lets you focus your time and energy on the people with the better potential. Plus, being clear and purposeful about what you’re looking for improves candidate experience too.

Sourcing strategy #3: Use social media

Social platforms like LinkedIn are one of the fastest ways to build networks and find potential candidates. When searching for candidates, use keywords like job titles, skills, location, and industry that match the role you’re trying to fill. It’s also helpful to look through your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree connections, since people are usually more likely to respond to someone already in their network.

LinkedIn also offers different groups around specific industries and topics. Joining these communities is a great way to connect with other recruiters, learn from thought leaders, and stay updated on hiring trends.

Sourcing strategy #4: Send personalized messages

Everyone's inboxes are flooded with messages, invitations, and ads – and most of them sound the same. When you reach out to candidates, you have to stand out and prove that you're worth their time. 

First, keep things short. You don’t have to spout every detail about the company and the role, you just have to say enough to catch their attention. Short emails have the highest click rate and response rates. 

Next, personalize messages for each candidate. People are more likely to respond to a message that’s written with them in mind compared to generic emails sent to everyone. Take a moment to look at resumes or profiles and show why you think they would be a good fit. 

Sourcing strategy #5: Attend job fairs and industry events

There’s no doubt that online networking can work. But in-person events can offer a level of connection and rapport that's hard to do through a screen. Some upcoming events this year are TechSpo LA, B2B Chicago 2023, and Bits&Pretzels Healthtech. Sharing your story and employer brand can be easier and more meaningful when it’s done face to face. And it gives you the chance to reach people that wouldn’t have clicked on your job page or aren’t as active on Linkedin. 

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