Get quality candidates, and save time

Capture your team’s story and create authentic candidate engagement with Puck.

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Over 30k people have been hired with Puck

trusted by leading talent teams

“Suzy uses Puck to streamline content creation and produce content for our careers site and job roles to provide insight into our company’s culture. Puck helps us differentiate our career opportunities and enhance our candidate experience by impacting our time to fill and quality of hire metrics.”

Anthony Onesto
Chief People Officer at Suzy

Bring the right people to you

Unlock automation that feels personal and increases your candidate engagement so you can find your people faster.

Attract the best candidates with job postings that stand out

Get in front of people with automation that feels personal and increases your candidate engagement.

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Save your recruiting team hours of time every week

Use automation, candidate screening, and interview guides to save your team hours during the interview process.

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Showcase your culture and better engage with candidates

Customize content that shares your team’s story to create a rich and engaging experience for candidates.

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Set your employer brand apart

Create a more authentic hiring process that boosts your employer brand by highlighting your team stories and insights.

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Our customers love us

How Thyme Care increased hiring speed by 35%

With improved storytelling and employer brand content from Puck, Thyme Care increased their top-of-funnel qualified applicants and hired candidates faster.

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With Puck, HealthSherpa quickly hired their seasonal workforce

Puck’s content for HealthSherpa was highly relevant to their candidates, who completed on average 94% of an audio clip.

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CoderPad’s clips boosted candidate quality by 12.5%

CoderPad used Puck to help tell their team’s story and generate higher quality candidates in their interview process.

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Prenuvo Extends 8% More Candidate Offers While Saving 90 Minutes of Time Per Hire with Puck

Prenuvo used Puck to introduce candidates to their team, boost the quantity of top-of-funnel candidates, and increase engagement.

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Puck delivers quality hires for SKIMS

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